Friday, February 23, 2007
Lets start from where i began my trainin~ Shatec

During my army days..i always wonder what am i goin to do when i ord..kept buggin me

than a bout the culinary world..

i was vast and an ever learnin expierance..

than something hit me..i dun have enough O level credit to get me into TP that only leaves me with Shatec..the private culinary school with higher fees..but it was the only i went for it..

and there..i spent a year plus in school learnin both practical and theory aspects about culinary than 9 months of working attachment with any hotel in Singapore..

i chose Conrad Centennial Singapore..the 5 star business hotel and i was accepted as a culinary trainee..there i learned my trade with ups and downs..i loved culinary even more..

desong was shot at Friday, February 23, 2007