Two little ones came into my life not long ago, kept them in a cute little cage and realised it was too cramp for them, got dirty easily and attracted ants. So decided to put them into a new home. Did a search on the net and a fish tank is actually the right place to keep these little ones.
desong was shot at Monday, March 31, 2008
Caught this film with Dear at a special "comedy night" at GV Grand in Great world city.
desong was shot at Tuesday, March 25, 2008
Send dear to night class at SIM, she was telling me that she might want to buy "sumthing" but dunno whether should go ahead not. So after dropping her off at class, i went around and found a shop that do sell it and went in to buy it for her.
desong was shot at Thursday, March 13, 2008
My fave dining spot at the moment. Nice healthy hearty soup with sandwiches at an affortable price.
desong was shot at Monday, March 10, 2008