Sentosa Luge and Dinner
Met my best fren Mel last week for a trip to ride the Luge at Sentosa. Mel finally gt gf ready!!! So happy for him..a fine young lady he's gt :)
I had to go to AIA to settle my insurance policy in the afternoon before taking a train to meet up mel and his gf at Taka's Sushi Tei. After that we went to pick up Winnie aka Dear from work before heading to Sentosa.

I always think mel look like bomber man everytime he put on a helmet :)

Mel and Gal :)

Riding the Luge together

Looks kinda high with our feet dangling out..veri nice view though
No pics of us riding the luge as we were busy having fun :)
We had dinner at the Sakai Teppan Yaki, had Teppan Yaki Grill and Boston Lobster!

Mel showing where the lobster should go :P

Dear craving for Hargen Diaz fondue and mel also dun mind since we had it together the last time. Drove to siglap just to have this! Super nice!

desong was shot at Monday, November 23, 2009