My fave band of all time, some people may argue with me but still i feel Oasis has got to be one of the greatest bands. Fronted by brothers Noel and Liam Gallagher. They brought Britmusic to the world after the Beatles. Liam as the identity of the band while Noel is the soul.
Noel wrote almost all of Oasis hits we hear today stands as proof the genius in this guy.
Some may say Oasis are jus Beatles wannabes and are overrated. Well i know the Beatles are great but are no more and what is left are just memories of their former glory. But Oasis is still going strong and produces hits after hits without fail. Elvis Presley, the king of rock was only a so-so guitarist and didn't write many of his songs yet people still hail him as the king after his death. So how can Oasis, whom writes their own songs and plays so much better be overrated? Pure madness.
I feel the success with Oasis are:
- Noel just writes songs that are too darn good regardless is it acoustic or electric. The lyrics and melodies are just pure gold.
- Liam, with his vocals formed the identity of the band we know today. And his bad boy attitude ( everyone loves an ah beng ) suits seamlessly to the rock band.
- The energy the band carries, anyone and i mean just about anyone has heard of Oasis. Doesn't matter you love them or hate them, they are just well known.

desong was shot at Wednesday, May 23, 2007