Dinner at Sentosa Beach
Dear had an event goin on at Sentosa's Resort and Spa (Beaufort Hotel) so these 3 days she will be there..And since she's there..she suggested why not we have dinner at Sentosa. I was bit hesitant well first i'm not a tourist and i always feel everything there are overpriced.
But after some persuasion from dear..i decided to give in :)
So we decided on Sakai Sushi. ( which i was kinda surprised..there's one there?!)
I picked her up at the hotel lobby around 7pm and started driving around lookin for this elusive sakai sushi which i didn't knew existed. Looking at signs and maps we drove to the beach carpark located near siloso beach i think. And to my amazement..the entry is only $1! regardless of weekday or weekend..$1.07 after GST.
I parked the car and we started walking by the beach..We spotted millions of tourist!! All lining up to watch the new musical fountain by the beach. Its priced at $6. which was once free..
After askin some directions from staff..we were told the sakai sushi is jus located down the path. After 5 mins we found it! A veri nice air conditioned hut by the beach on the sand. So there we were..enjoyin the dinner and view too!

The view from our table

Free publicity

After dinner..we were filled and pleased with ourselves :)
We strolled back to the car and still the waves of tourist are still there! We wanted to watch the musical fountain at first..but lookin at the crowd and the show timin..we decided to go home as dear is tired and have to wake up early the next day.
desong was shot at Thursday, August 16, 2007