Affandi's wedding
Few months ago, i received an email and veri much to my surprise, a schoolmate and a good fren of mine is getting married!
To think that we were studyin and foolin around in school, now he's becomin a married man. And the beautiful lady he's marryin is Brenda, a korean studyin at shatec too. So that makes us all schoolmates.
We guys were kinda like sayin he's gt a good catch in brenda and somemore..she's a korean! And of all the guys available in school she chose Affandi so here's the wedding at his house in bedok.

The couple here..Affandi looks great in his costume and brenda..well i wonder how heavy is her head piece..cause she can't seem to turn her head.

As this is my first malay wedding, i was kinda lost and dunno what to expect nor how to behave. But was great, everyone was veri nice and i had a great lunch. Veri good malay food.
The celebrations went all the way till 9pm but i couldn't stay till that late. But was cool, my fren has gotten married and ready told me next 3 years have 3 kids :P
desong was shot at Saturday, July 14, 2007