The Simpsons Movie- WATCH IT!!!!
After 18 seasons..year after year of makin kids and adults alike laugh out loud with originality and creativity..its finally here on the big screen.

If there is one flaw about the movie..its jus too darn short.
Come one..give me more!! Who can ever be sick of the simpsons..if thats ought to be dragged out..tramped upon..stoned..shot dead..burned..and shot( wait i jus said that)
Anyway you get my point.

There are so many parts of the film you jus can't resist but let the inner child in you loose and laugh away. For example when Homer gt a pig and started singin the Spider man tune to the piggy! That is a classic for years to come!
Here i got the lyrics for you:
Spider pig..spider pig
Does whatever a spider pig does
Can he swing..From a web
No he can't..he's a pig
Look's the spider pig
(just Sing along to the spider man tune and u gt it..if you can do Homer's voice..get outta town!)
Another is Bart's naked scene skateboarding downtown..the whole crowd in the cinema was in stiches when..well..when Bart's little precious was exposed.

I hope there's a sequel..i mean this is THE movie of the year i'm sure. How come Harry Potter can have seven films..LOTR three..Star Wars six..Die Hard four..
The Simpsons deserves the same treatment and respect with the other epic movies.
Lets give a hand to the world's favorite family ( clap clap clap*)
desong was shot at Saturday, August 04, 2007