Caught this show with dear recently..we make a point to watch a movie once a week..and since this time there's no other show to watch (rush hour 3 watched last week) so i've no excuse but to watch this with dear :)
She likes this kinda of films..b4 i tell wat the show is are some pics:

ok..base on these pics can u guess- there are guns,hot bods and cool hunks with model likeness. No? The fact is Skinwalker is actually a werewolf film. But if you watch the first half of the show, there are no werewolves or anything supernatural. Just four act cool blokes on harley davidsons riding into town and firing rounds at ppl.

The fantastic four
So the story goes..the fantastic four whom are werewolves set out to hunt a 13yr old boy. Legend as it a half breed (Man & werewolf if you are wondering)has the power on his 13th birthday to end the curse of being a blood thirsty man wolf every full moon. So this kid, being a child and totally clueless, has bullets spraying at him and werewolves chasing everywhere. What a way to spent your birthday.
The werewolves hunting the boy dun wan the curse to be lifted as they lust after the hunt for blood like some drug junkie. Whereas the werewolves protecting the boy wan the curse to be broken so thet they can be free and be normal human beings. Hence the big fight at the end between the two sides.

The boy and his mother
During the film while i'm trying to digest whats goin on..sumthing caught my eye. And i can't help but bring this up. There was a movie - Pan's Labyrinth not too long ago. And there's a certain character in that film who bears a resemblance to Skin walkers. Can you guess it?
Here it is..take a look:

There..can you see it. The werewolves in Skinwalkers look like the whatever it is in Pan's Labyrinth!
Anyway whatver it is..the film was still entertainin with a fight between the werewolves in the end. Just that sometimes the film don't make sense. I will rate this as a cool B list film to watch. There are lots of action with desert eagles, berettas, shotguns, magnums etc etc firearms. Lots of bang with ppl dying with lots of blood.
desong was shot at Tuesday, August 21, 2007